very funny

  1. Ghidul utilizatorului de IT

    iulie 22, 2008 by Andrei Sălăgean

            E important de stiut de care parte va aflati. In felul acesta putem face un recensamant.

    1. Cand ne chemi sa-ti mutam calculatorul, asigura-te ca l-ai lasat ingropat sub o juma’ de tona de carti postale, poze de-ale copiilor, animale impaiate, flori uscate, cornuri vechi si dosare patate cu cafea. Noi nu avem o viata personala si suntem adanc miscati cand putem trage o ocheada fugara prin viata ta.

    2. Nu nota nimic. Niciodata. Putem sa redam mesajele tale de eroare de la noi.

    3. Cand un informatician spune ca vine la tine, du-te bea o cafea. In felul acesta nu vei fi acolo cand vom avea nevoie de parola ta. Pentru noi, memorarea a 700 de parole de screen-saver e floare la ureche.

    4. Cand ne suni, spune-ne ce doresti sa faci, nu ceea ce te impiedica sa faci acel lucru. Nu avem nevoie sa stim ca nu poti folosi programul cutare pentru ca calculatorul tau nici macar nu porneste. Sau mai bine:
    cand ne suni, nu ne spune deloc de ce ne chemi la tine. La ce bun ne-ar putea folosi?

    5. Cand un informatician iti trimite un mesaj foarte important, sterge-l imediat. Erau doar teste.

    6. Cand un informatician e la biroul lui si mananca, intra drept inauntru si varsa-ti oful. Existam doar pentru a sluji.

    7. Cand copiatorul nu functioneaza, cheama-ti informaticianul. Doar contine componente electronice !

    8. Cand un informatician iti spune ca imprimantele nu au cartus in ele, sustine-ti punctul de vedere. Savuram argumentele relevante.

    9. Cand un informatician iti spune ca va veni in scurt timp, raspunde cu un ton aspru:”Si cam cate luni intelegi tu prin <> ?”. Acest lucru ne motiveaza.

    10. Cand imprimanta nu vrea sa tipareasca, retrimite documentul de cel putin 20 de ori. Deseori documentele dispar in gaurile negre. Daca imprimanta nu tipareste nici dupa 20 de incercari, trimite documentul la toate celelalte 68 imprimante din retea. Una din ele trebuie sa functioneze !

    11. Nu invata nici un termen tehnic. Cand spui „Nu-mi merge chestia aia”, stim exact ce vrei sa spui. Daca cablul de la mouse continua sa iti dea jos poza inramata a cainelui tau, ridica calculatorul si inghesuie cablul sub el. Cablurile de mouse au fost facuta sa reziste la 20 kg.

    12. Daca tasta spatiu nu mai functioneaza, arunca vina pe varianta noua de program. De fapt tastaturile savureaza foarte mult kilogramul de firimituri si de unghii dinauntru.

    13. Daca primesti un mesaj care spune „Are you sure ?”, fa cat de repede poti click pe butonul Yes. La naiba, daca n-ai fi sigur, atunci nu ai face ce faci, nu ?!

    14. Simte-te liber sa zici lucruri de genul „nu ma pricep la porcariile astea de calculatoare”. Nu ne suparam cand auzim ca se face referire la arealul nostru de expertiza profesionala ca fiind porcarie.

    15. Cand vrei sa schimbi cartusul la imprimanta, cheama-ti informaticianul. Schimbarea unui cartus de impimanta este o sarcina extrem de complexa, si se recomanda ca ea sa fie executata doar de un
    inginer licentiat in fizica nucleara.

    16. Cand te intalnesti cu un informatician duminica la aprozar, intreaba-l ceva de calculatoare. Lucram si in weekend.

    17. Nu nota nimic din ceea ce te invatam. Ne place sa repetam la infinit aceleasi lucruri.

    18. Cand ne semnalezi ca nu ai acces in retea, jura-te ca ai introdus parola corecta. Calculatoarele o iau razna deseori.

    19. In loc sa ne spui ce s-a intamplat, spune-ne doar ca „a disparut chestia aia desi n-am facut nimic”. Calculatoarele se aseamana cu Triunghiul Bermudelor, si noua ne plac misterele.”

  2. Very good questions

    iulie 21, 2008 by Andrei Sălăgean

    What are caterpillars afraid of?

    Why is the letter T like an island?
    Because it is in the middle of waTer!

    Why can’t Batman go fishing?
    Because Robin eats all the worms!

    Why was the broom late for breakfast?
    Because he swept in!

    Why did the farmer bury all his money in his fields?
    He wanted rich soil!

    What did one eye say to the other?
    Between you and me, something smells!

    What should never be eaten after its served?
    A tennis ball!

    What did the tie say to the hat?
    You go on a head, I will just hang around!

    Which side of a duck has the most feathers?
    The outside!

    What did the ghost say to the invisible man?
    Long time no see!

    What music do Mummies like?
    Wrap music!

    What did the math book say to the history book?
    Boy, do I have problems!

    What did the doctor say to the man who complained he was shrinking?
    You will just have to be a little patient!

    What did King Kong say when he called the wrong number?
    King Kong ring wrong!

    How do you make seven even?
    Take away the s!

    What do you call a country where all the automobiles are pink?
    A pink car nation!

    What do snakes do after they have a fight?
    They hiss and make up!

    How many seconds are in a year?
    Twelve: January second, February second, etc!

    What kind of witch lives on the beach?
    A sandwich!

    When is a car not a car?
    When it turns into a driveway!

    What is yours, but your friends use it more than you do?
    Your name!

    What do skeletons use to communicate?

    Why do dogs scratch themselves?
    Because they are the only ones who know where it itches!

    Five guys walk into a bar, why didn’t the sixth?
    He ducked!

    Why did Cinderella’s soccer team always lose?
    Because her coach was a pumpkin!

    Why did Cinderella’s coach sit her on the bench?
    Because she ran away from the ball!

    A butcher is six foot tall, wears size 14 shoes, and has a 50 inch waist. What does he weigh?

    You are trapped in a room with no windows and a locked door. How do you get out?
    Go through the holes where the windows used to be!

    Who said: „Duh suddle cubup to borrow”?
    Little Orphan Annie with a cold!

    Forewards it is heavy,backwards it is not.What is it?
    A ton.

  3. Un geniu in matematica…la fel ca stiti voi cine…

    iulie 20, 2008 by Andrei Sălăgean

            Glumeam doar. Oricum e foarte tare faza.

  4. Touching your wife’s body

    iulie 18, 2008 by Andrei Sălăgean

    One night, after a couple had retired for the night, the woman became aware that her husband was touching her in a most unusual manner. He started by running his hand across her shoulders and the small of her back. He ran his hand over her breasts, touching them very lightly.

    Then, he proceeded to run his hand gently down her side, sliding his hand over her stomach, and then down the other side to a point below her waist.

    He continued on, gently feeling her hips, first one side and the other. His hand ran further down the outside of her thighs.

    His gentle probing then started up the inside of her left thigh, stopped and the returned to do the same to her right thigh.

    By this time the woman was becoming aroused and she squirmed a little to better position herself. The man stopped abruptly and rolled over to his side of the bed.

    „Why are you stopping darling?” she whispered.

    He whispered back, „I found the remote.”

  5. The new boss

    iulie 16, 2008 by Andrei Sălăgean

           A large company, feeling it was time for a shakeup, hired a new CEO.
    The new boss was determined to rid the company of all slackers.
    On a tour of the facilities, the CEO noticed a guy leaning on a wall.
    The room was full of workers and he wanted to let them know that he meant business.
    He walked up to the guy leaning against the wall and asked, ‘How much money do you make a week? A little surprised, the young man looked at him and replied, I make $400 a week. Why?
           The CEO then handed the guy $1,600 in cash and screamed, ‘Here’s four weeks’ pay, now GET OUT and don’t come back.
    ‘Feeling pretty good about himself the CEO looked around the roomand asked, „Does anyone want to tell me what that goof-ball did around here?
    „From across the room came a voice,
    ‘Pizza delivery guy from Domino’s.’