1. Despre…

    noiembrie 24, 2010 by Andrei Sălăgean

             Totu-i bine si frumos. Totul e asa de frumos precum fata aceea din codru care a luat somn. Totul e asa de frumos ca si bruneta aia la care ma gandesc eu acuma. Totul e frumos si sambata am partial la matematica.
             My old friend is back in town. E vorba de prietenul meu cel mai bun de la facultate: G-Man. Asa de mult imi placea mie matematica in liceu… iar acum, imi vine sa iau paleta de muște la ea doar cand aud de Cauchy. Vremurile se schimba si noi trebuie sa ne adaptam. De aceea prietenul meu a tinut neaparat sa imi arate cine imi e dusman si cine nu. M-a facut sa realizez ca matematica nu e un prieten de incredere si ca ar trebui sa ne despartim. Si cine sunt eu sa nu ascult de ce imi spun prietenii?
             In alta ordine de idei, va reamintesc ca lucrurile merg extraordinar de bine. Merg asa de bine ca m-am apucat sa scriu un post numai pentru acest lucru. Si scriind acest post mi-am adus aminte de ziua cand am castigat campionatulde fotbal cu clasa. No, aia o fost o zi extraordinara !

  2. Lumea-i obosită în cămin.

    noiembrie 22, 2010 by Andrei Sălăgean

  3. Anunț !

    noiembrie 20, 2010 by Andrei Sălăgean

  4. Yo mama’s like…

    noiembrie 17, 2010 by Andrei Sălăgean

    Yo mama’s like a birthday cake, everybody gets a piece.
    Yo mama’s like Burger King… Your way, right away.
    Yo mama’s like a squirrel, she’s always got some nuts in her mouth.
    Yo mama’s like 7-Eleven… open all night, hot to go, and for 89 cents you can get a slurpy.
    Yo mama’s like Humpty Dumpty… first she gets humped, then she gets dumped.
    Yo mama’s like the Bermuda Triangle, they both swallow a lot of seamen.
    Yo mama’s like a nickel, she ain’t worth a dime.
    Yo mama’s like a fine restaurant, she only takes deliveries in the rear.
    Yo mama’s like a chicken coop, cocks fly in and out all day.
    Yo mama’s like a streetlamp, you can find her turned on at night on any street corner.
    Yo mama’s like a telephone booth, open to the public, costs a quarter, and guys go in and out all day.
    Yo mama’s like a library, open to the public.
    Yo mama’s like a Chinese restaurant, $4.95 all you can eat.
    Yo mama’s like an ATM, open 24 hours.
    Yo mama’s like Discover card, she gives cash back.
    Yo mama’s like a basketball hoop, everybody gets a shot.
    Yo mama’s like a microwave, one button and she’s hot.
    Yo mama’s like a mail box, open day and night.
    Yo mama’s like a bag of potato chips, „Free-To-Lay.”
    Yo mama’s like a turtle, once she’s on her back she’s fucked.
    Yo mama’s like a championship ring, everybody puts a finger in her.
    Yo mama’s like a paper towel, she picks up all kinds of slimy wet stuff.
    Yo mama’s like a bowling ball… round, heavy, and you can fit three fingers in.
    Yo mama’s like a bowling ball, she always winds up in the gutter.
    Yo mama’s like a bowling ball, she gets picked up, fingered, thrown down the gutter, and she stil l comes back for more.
    Yo mama’s like cheap liquor, tastes like shit.
    Yo mama’s like a bus, guys climb on and off her all day long.
    Yo mama’s like a bubble gum machine, 5 cents a blow.
    Yo mama’s like Bazooka Joe, 5 cents a blow.
    Yo mama’s like a Christmas tree, everybody hangs balls on her.
    Yo mama’s like a door knob, everybody gets a turn.
    Yo mama’s like Dominoes Pizza, something for nothing.
    Yo mama’s like Dominoes Pizza, one call does it all.
    Yo mama’s like Pizza Hut, if she isn’t there in 30 minutes… it’s free.
    Yo mama’s like Sprint, 10 cents a minute anywhere in the country.
    Yo mama’s like a carpenter’s dream, flat as a board and easy to nail.
    Yo mama’s like a gas station… you gotta pay before you pump.
    Yo mama’s like a goalie: she changes her pads after three periods.
    Yo mama’s like a light switch, even a little kid can turn her on.
    Yo mama’s like a telephone, even a 3 year old can pick her up.
    Yo mama’s like a postage stamp, you lick her, stick her, then send her away.
    Yo mama’s like a dollar bill, she gets handled all across the country.

  5. Pregătire pentru BEC

    noiembrie 13, 2010 by Andrei Sălăgean

    Frunză verde tra la la
    PR-ul face chemarea
    Duminică ne adunăm
    La scule să reparăm!

    Frunză verde în bucate
    În sediu, la doișpe jumate
    La unelte să tot lucrăm
    Și idee la afiș să aflăm.

    Frunză verde în găleată
    Toată lumea-i invitată
    Să ne-ajute câte-umpic
    Facem mare tot ce-i mic!

    Frunză verde nu-i de prisos
    Afișul, musai să fie frumos!
    La BEC s-aducă multă lume
    Nu-i glumă, totu-i pe bune.